Reminder – Reduction in minimum draw down for super funds in pension mode – CONTINUES for the 20/21 FY
You may have already changed your superannuation pension draw down amount for the 2019/20 financial year since the government halved the minimum amount you are required to draw down from your nest egg in April.
This is a friendly reminder that the lesser minimum amount is also available for the 2020/21 financial year – so you may also need to direct your fund to change the amount for the new financial year …. if that’s what you would like to do.
Also worth noting is that your 2020/21 minimum pension will be calculated based on your battered and bruised pension balance as at 30 June 2020, so this may further reduce the amount you must draw and allow you to keep more aside for future bequests to the kids, their lawyers (and accountants) and the Lost Dogs’ Home.
Confused? Please don’t hesitate to call us!
The Halletts Team